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Market News

06-Jul-24 02:24


                          July 05, 2024

                           NEWS EVENT


                    REP. BRAD SHERMAN (D-CA)





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     JULY 5, 2024




BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN HOST: OUTFRONT now, Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman

from California.

Congressman, thank you so much for being with us this evening.

Congressman Quigley, your colleague, just became the fourth Democrat calling

for President Biden to step aside. Let's listen to what he had to say.


REP. MIKE QUIGLEY (D-IL): I say, Mr. President, your legacy is set. We owe you

the greatest debt of gratitude. The only thing that you can do now to cement

that for all time and prevent other catastrophe is to step down and let

someone else do this.


SANCHEZ: Congressman that sound comes after the clips of President Biden's

interview with ABC.

Do you believe that Joe Biden is still your party's best shot to win in


REP. BRAD SHERMAN (D-CA): I think that we need to test Biden further. The

first test well see in just a few minutes is his 20-minute edited taped

interview with Stephanopoulos. I think we need to see an extended live

interview, and see whether Biden passes that test.

And what matters is not what members of Congress say. What matters is what the

delegates say, and the delegates are a group of activists who are all

pro-Biden. They're a loyal to Biden as matter of fact, if you wanted to be a

delegate pledged to Biden and Biden camp didn't think you were loyal to him,

they could cross you off the list and put in somebody else.

So this is a pro-Biden group of roughly 4,000 delegates. They need to be

convinced. They need to see the interview in a few minutes. But I think they

need more.

SANCHEZ: It sounds like you are preparing for a potential group of delegates

to dissent at the convention if President Biden stays on, otherwise, I don't

think you would be pointing that out. Is that fair to say?

SHERMAN: I would hope for the opposite. I would hope that he does a extended

live interview and that all you're talking heads on CNN said, by God, he did a

great job.

So I think we need another test. And I and I don't think it'll be a small

group of dissidents one way or the other. I think all 4,000 delegates will

tend to move in one direction or the other based on what they see from this

president. The first step is tonight, but the second step is a longer and live


SANCHEZ: I'm curious about how you feel regarding the campaign and the White

House's approach to this because its now been more than a week since that

debate performance. And this is the first television interview that president

has done.

Do you think he should have come out sooner and more aggressively?

SHERMAN: He did an effective job just the day after the debate with the rally

in North Carolina.

SANCHEZ: That was in a teleprompter.


SHERMAN: That is -- it's a different skill and speaking to a rally is

different from an interview or debate. That's why we need the extended

interview, to see whether that important part of the test can be passed.

But I'd seen him work hard, and I'd seen him work a rope line for an hour or

an hour-and-a-half. This is -- this is a man who may very well be able to give

us another great for years. But we ought to see a live interview and extended


SANCHEZ: Congressman, if President Biden stays in the race, and Democrats lose

the White House and they lose control both chambers of Congress, what do you

think Joe Biden's legacy would be?

SHERMAN: Look, it's not good to lose. On the other hand, there's no assurance

that any other mechanism is going to win I like to see what Joe Biden can do

in an extended interview. And he may be our best candidate. He's the only

person to ever beat Donald Trump and that's why I -- you know, Biden had a bad

night. Trump has led a bad life and I'm not willing to have just one 90-minute

debates decide this. I want to see he's tested again.

SANCHEZ: Congressman Sherman, we have to leave the conversation there. Thanks

for sharing your evening with us.

SHERMAN: Good to be with you.


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